Friday, April 18, 2014

Dreams of Strings

A grand concert hall encompasses my vision. Ornamentation lined the walls that could put a Gothic Cathedral to shame, with enough room to sit thousands of patrons, if not more. No matter how I look, I can't see into the orchestral pit, but I can hear a full orchestra from within, the strings tuning and the winds running through their scales. It's hard to see past a certain point in the theater, the house lights are dimmed and the stage lights are on in full intensity. When I look into the audience, trying to find responsive faces, anything to spur me on but.... there were no faces. There were... "people" alright, but they looked like prop dummies, or rag dolls. All faceless... but I could feel them staring at me. Staring and staring and staring and...

And before I can run, my arm is lifted and I'm moved into position, and.... And I begin singing the opening song to whatever production I'm currently apart of. The most recent one being "All that Jazz"... But I have no accompaniment, I'm alone on the stage and everyone is watching me and I just want to run and run far away from the stage, from that entire concert hall. But... I can't. I'm frozen. It's not even me singing and dancing, it's someone making me.

I can look around the stage, but the only other person is a man sitting to the side, writing in a script, smirking to himself. And if he notices my distress.... he doesn't care. Not at all. Sometimes, I look up and see silvery strings ascending into the rafters, seemingly never ending. And then I hear a giggle and I....

I wake up.


Unlike my city dream... this one happens a lot. Maybe four or five times a year. Since I started acting.

I've been acting since I was 8.

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